our journey
December 2017
hiveonline is born
hiveonline Aps incorporated in Denmark
Jan 2018
Nordic SME App
We started work on our Nordic SME App, aiming to make it easier for tradespeople (builders/plumbers/electricians etc) be trusted and get access to the financial services they need to help them grow
Oct 2018
Niger Project
We were asked to enter an innovation competition to see how fintech could support CARE’s mission – and we won! This funded a field study trip to Niger with their team and then further projects with them
Feb 2019
Techstars Berlin Accelerators
We start in the Techstars Berlin Accelerator 2019. Here we meet a lot of mentors and get a lot of advice on how to improve our business over the space of 13 weeks. This highlights the challenge of having two products (Nordic SME and VSLA.online) with different customer groups in significantly different markets. With the traction get with CARE, this leads to us pivoting and focusing on sustainable finance for sub-saharan Africa.
June 2019
Inclusive Fintech 50
We’re included in the Inclusive Fintech 50 as a startup having potential to demonstrate the power of financial technology to expand access, usage, and quality of financial services in advanced and emerging markets
July 2019
Lauching our Savings Groups App
e launch eArziki/ (now named SLA.online) in Niger, in the presence of Niger’s president.
Feb 2020
Norges Vel Mozambique Phase 1 – myCoop.online
We notice that Savings Groups, once they are established, start operating like a community business and see the potential to support cooperatives. Sofie meets Karsten Gjefle at a conference and we write a concept note for Norges Vel on how our technology could help smallholder Cashew cooperatives in Mozambique.
April 2021
Self Help Africa Pilot
hiveonline start working with Self Help Africa in Zambia to roll out VSLA.online to savings groups in the region.
July 2021
Save the Children Lebanon
hiveonline partners with Save the Children Lebanon to adapt our VSLA.online product to support Lebanese households during the country’s catastrophic financial crisis.
September 2021
MIT Solver Winner
hiveonline is selected as one of the 2021 MIT Solver Cohort . We win three additional prizes from Vodafone Foundation, GSR Foundation and John F. McGovern Foundation.
Nov 2021
Successful Cashew Harvest
MyCoop.online successfully supports the Mozambique cashew harvest, collecting useful data from cooperatives about what they have delivered.
April 2022
Successful Voucher Distribution
Our eVoucher solution is piloted in Mozambique with three AMPCM cooperatives distributing Aflasave fungicide .
Aug 2022
Norges Vel Mozambique Phase I1 – myCoop.online
Norges Vel signs a third partnership agreement with hiveonline to work on the bridging phase of CC2
November 2022
Aug 2022
4th Cohort of Mozambique Central Bank Sandbox
hiveonline accepted by the Mozambique Central Bank into their Regulatory Sandbox setting up a path to offer Mobile Money integration, Third-party Lending and Group Funds Custody.
August 2023
SWIDA Ghana / WFP Project Start
VSLA.online is rolled out to savings groups in Ghana in partnership with SWIDA and WFP
Sept 2023
Celebrating 10,000 users in Kenya
10,000 farmers onboarded in Kenya, mostly achieved with our own field officer